10 Craftable Video Game Items BETTER Than Legendary Loot

5. Ascended Set - Guild Wars 2

fallout 3

Guild Wars 2 is an MMMORPG that puts heavy emphasis on its crafting systems. If you need proof of that, you just have to look at the power balance between the game's crafted items and quest gear.

Although the game offers you plenty of dungeons and raids where you can obtain legendary weapons and armor, when it comes to actual statistics, you will probably want to reserve these items for skins and looks only.

The truth is, no matter how many powerful bosses you had to slay to get your legendary loot, maximizing your crafting skills and creating full sets of weapons and armor is the most reliable and effective method of getting the best gear.

The Ascended sets you can put together with maxed-out crafting skills have some of the highest stats in the game, and unlike found equipment, you don't have to rely on RNG to complete them.

While other players will run around with a collage of disconnected gear, Guild Wars 2 crafters enjoy fully synergized equipment early on, with no need to upgrade to better items.

After all, you can't mess with perfection.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.