10 Craftable Video Game Items BETTER Than Legendary Loot

4. Forge Artifacts - Age of Wonders 4

fallout 3
Paradox Interactive

Age of Wonders 4 is a turn-based strategy game about god-like beings fighting for dominance over fantastical realms.

With a setting like this, it's obvious that you would have access to all manner of magical items and weapons, most of which you find by defeating your foes and completing unique quests scattered throughout the map.

This said, none of the items you find can come even remotely close to the power of the items you can craft on your own.

Why? Well, because the item forge you unlock by building a mage's tower lets you create any item you want with any of the buffs and abilities in the game, so long as you have access to the necessary resources.

All you have to do is get the materials you need to unlock the enchantments, and you will be able to replicate the powers of any legendary item in the game or create better versions of them by combining their abilities together!

Not to mention, you can also name your creation, giving the most powerful and feared artifact in existence some silly name like "Steve's sword" or "Intentional Game Design."

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.