10 Crazy Celebrity Cameos In Video Games You Forgot About

1. Stan Lee - Marvel’s Spider-Man

Stan Lee Cameo

We’d be totally remiss not to include Stan Lee’s iconic cameo in Insomniac’s 2018 game.

If you don’t remember this one, let me run you through it for the feels.

Our friendly neighborhood Spider-man is in his streetwear chatting with now ex-flame Mary Jane Watson at a diner. They talk about the latest shady ongoings and their breakup but they’re cut short when Peter spots police cars outside, leaving Mary Jane to go do his thing. She then leaves and we cut to the restaurant’s short order cook, none other than Stan Lee himself, saying he’s glad to see them back together and that, quote, “You two were always my favourites.” There’s something wildly heartwarming about Lee talking to characters he created and held so dear, and it’s very special to have the cameo amongst the last of his appearances.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.