10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy Metal Gear Solid

1. Hideo Kojima Does Whatever He Feels Like

Perhaps the most important fact to realise about the Metal Gear Solid universe - Hideo Kojima is the alpha and the omega of the whole thing. When Metal Gear Solid 2 was first unveiled at E3 2000, it prominently featured Solid Snake, causing fans to go wild. Then, when the game actually released, the main character had suddenly become Raiden; Snake was just a supporting character instead. Fans were pretty miffed to say the least, but it's just an example of how little Koj worries about pleasing them - if he wants to take an adventurous step in a different direction, you can be sure he's going to do it. He built the series from the ground-up and if you sit back and watch the documentary about the making of Metal Gear Solid 4, you can see just how involved he is in every process of development. That might give him an excuse to do whatever he wants but honestly, can you really say that he hasn't been right most of the time? Yes, Metal Gear Solid 2 might have been a complete troll but Raiden became a crucial component of the MGS universe regardless - he even got his own spin-off. Nanomachines might be the ultimate plot device but really, it was always going to take something similar to explain the madcap nature of Kojima's world - and many developers wouldn't even try. With MGS V growing ever nearer, part of the excitement is seeing just what tricks Kojima is going to pull out of his hat next. Is Eli really a young Liquid Snake? Will there be other surprises around the corner? That's all part of the mystery that is Hideo Kojima and, as a result, Metal Gear Solid. Agree? Disagree? Are there any other crazy facts that people should learn to accept about the series? Let us know in the comments below!

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.