10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Xbox One

6. And It's Going To Ruin Your TV Experience In General

This one is sort of two-fold. The Xbox One is aiming to totally control your television viewing in general - it's already bought into the current on demand revolution which is eradicating the carefully planned schedules and advertising slots that channels have used to hold complete control over your TV since time immemorial, what with the fact that it offers apps like Amazon Prime, iPlayer and the like, plus Microsoft are buying into it themselves by producing that Halo show which, presumably, will be offered up in a manner similar to Netflix originals like Orange Is The New Black, which drop whole seasons in one go and allow you to marathon it in a day rather than waiting for weekly instalments which only air at a specific time. That's a big change to the way we watch TV, but the Xbox One wants to go even further than that. It's the control over all your entertainment and other software that's going to change things further since, as we say, there's the ability to take a Skype call whilst watching stuff, or to send an email, or to sit on social media thanks to a picture-in-picture box at the bottom of the screen whilst you binge Mad Men. Even worse than that is Smart Glass, which syncs up your smartphone or tablet with your telly watching (or gaming) which is just asking for you to be distracted. To be fair our attention spans are already shot to hell - insert joke about being distracted by a squirrel - and, really, being able to do other stuff simultaneously might actually help us to watch more stuff.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/