10 Crazy Video Game Fan Theories That Predicted The Future
9. It's a Horror Game! - Bugsnax

The announcement of Bugsnax, the game about catching food-themed bugs, was initially met with an enthusiastic uproar from the part of the internet that was clearly not the title’s main demographic.
Although Bugsnax was clearly intended for children at face value, it attracted plenty of adult attention thanks to a bunch of tweets and YouTube videos hyping the game up to be the greatest release of the year 2020.
Along with these new fans came plenty of meme theories, too, and the greatest surprise was that some of the jokes came true.
One of the major half-serious predictions about Bugsnax was that it was secretly going to be a horror game. The prediction was related to the fact that the titular Bugsnax could change the island's residents’ bodies into food, which, despite a cute presentation, has genuinely disturbing implications.
When Bugsnax's finale revealed the titular mascots were world-ending parasites straight out of John Carpenter’s “The Thing,” the internet theorists were not only proven right, but their predictions turned out to be an understatement.