10 Creative Ways Video Games Fought Cheaters

1. The Old Money Cheat Gets You A High-Interest Loan Instead - SimCity 2000

team fortress 2
Maxis Games

1989's SimCity memorably allowed players to receive an instant loan of $10,000 by holding shift and typing "FUND," albeit with the caveat that getting greedy and entering the cheat three times in a single game year would trigger an earthquake.

For sequel SimCity 2000, Maxis decided to have a little fun with players simply expecting to use the money cheat again. This time, typing "FUND" would give players a bond with an excruciating 25% interest rate. Yikes.

It was a clever subversion of player expectations, for sure, albeit one which unintentionally, hilariously backfired for Maxis, given that players soon discovered a way to exploit it for their own material gain.

Basically, if you take out two 25% cheat bonds in a row and then issue a real bond with a 0% interest rate, your total interest rate will be negative, meaning that the bank basically ends up paying you a $1.5 million stipend every game year. Amazing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.