10 Creepiest Video Game Enemies That Gave Everyone Nightmares

8. The Spider (Limbo)

The dark, eerie world of Limbo perfectly encapsulates everything you were scared about as a kid. Whether it was the fear of the dark coming across in the gorgeous black and white art style or the fear of been lost, again brilliantly realised in the moments of down-time in between puzzles, this 2D platformer had a great knack for transporting you back to the most vulnerable time of your life. But nothing cements Limbo's atmosphere of childlike fear than the giant spider that stalks you throughout a large chunk of the game. Potentially hidden in the shadows at all times, when you first encounter the enemy you might not even realise what you're dealing with - not until it's too late and you've already been speared by its legs, anyway. Silent and slow, there's something about the way the spider elegantly skulks around the screen that makes it so haunting. It doesn't have any nefarious motivations or goals, it's creation is to fuel that same primal fear you felt so deeply when you were a scared six year old, making Limbo's Spider one of the most imaginative and interesting enemies of any game in the past few years.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3