10 Creepiest Video Game Enemies That Gave Everyone Nightmares

5. The Witch (Left 4 Dead)

Although Left 4 Dead is cut from the same cloth of 28 Days Later style zombie horror rather than the slow, suspenseful scares of Night of the Living Dead, this multiplayer shooter still boasts enough frights to terrify even the most hardened team of players. But the one enemy to guarantee immediately paralysing horror as soon as they turned up was The Witch, because as soon as you heard her distinctive haunting wail, you know you had to be careful. Although Valve's shooter is an extremely fast-paced game, once you hear the sounds of a witch everyone in the team needs to pick their shots and turn off their flashlights as to not alarm the overpowering enemy. Because if you make a mistake and disturb her, The Witch is going to tear you apart. Those unlucky enough to draw the enemy's attention will soon pay for it, as she rips through everything around her, ignoring your team mates and bolting straight for you, signalling certain death in the process.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3