10 Creepy Gaming Soundtracks Guaranteed To Fuel Your Nightmares

7. Friday The 13th: The Game

2017 saw the release of survival horror Friday the 13th: The Game, based on the famous movie franchise of the same title. The game sees a group of players controlling Camp Crystal Lake counsellors as they attempt to flee from a lone player in charge of controlling series antagonist Jason Vorhees, with their objective being to either leave the map unharmed, or survive until the timer runs out.

Naturally, a game with such a tense premise needed a soundtrack to match, and so the composer for the original film score, Harry Manfredini, was called in to compose the score for the game. As a result the soundtrack to the game almost directly mirrors that of the film, and works to exactly the same effect.

What really sets this soundtrack apart from the other games on this list, is precisely when the soundtrack is used; instead of waiting for players to wander into a certain area, or to trigger a cut scene, the soundtrack for Friday the 13th: The Game scores the entirety of each match.

It is this relentless onslaught of tension building whilst players are in a state of Vorhees–induced panic that cause the effects of the adrenaline to be felt long after the round is over.

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A musician, writer, gamer, comic reader and binge watcher. Prone to eating stupid amounts of cheese, and making people think she's more interesting than she actually is.