10 Creepy Secrets Behind Classic Video Games

2. A Camera Hack Reveals That Lisa Is ALWAYS Behind You - P.T.

PT Game

Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro's Silent Hills teaser P.T. is one of the scariest video games ever made, a visually stunning and distressingly atmospheric survivor horror romp where the player investigates a haunted house while being assailed by a ghost known only as Lisa.

Playing the game as intended is anxiety-inducing enough, with the ever-present feeling that Lisa is breathing down your neck, a fact that was quite literally confirmed recently when a player hacked into the game's camera system.

The hack revealed that as soon as the player obtains the flashlight, Lisa will attach to their back, creating ambient shadows on the walls which imply she's always behind the player - because she is.

Furthermore, by locking the camera in place but walking forward, the hacker reveals that they can effectively control Lisa, due to her following the player's every move.

It's a brilliantly, sublimely eerie, and wildly imaginative technique to constantly keep the player on edge, and while a peek behind the curtain could threaten to demystify the entire experience, it honestly just makes it that much creepier.

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Silent Hills
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.