10 Creepy Secrets Behind Classic Video Games

1. A Reversed Music Track Reveals A Haunting, Depressed Monologue - Celeste

Celeste Game
Matt Makes Games

Celeste was one of 2018's greatest video games, serving as both a devilishly satisfying platformer and an uncommonly thoughtful meditation on depression and anxiety.

But perhaps the game's most evocative engagement with mental illness is actually hidden in plain - and if we're being completely honest, somewhat unnerving - sight.

A few weeks after Celeste was released, fans started to notice that the mirror levels not only played the game's main theme backwards, but also included a hidden message.

By playing the audio in reverse, it revealed a woman speaking frankly about her experiences with depression in a manner both ethereal and deeply haunting.

For anyone who vibed with the game's overall message, it's an emotional ride, if also one that's sure to leave players more than a little unsettled.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.