10 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs You Can't Explain

7. Call Of Duty: Finest Hour - Ghost Room

GTA 4 Heart

You can tell the guys behind this easter egg had an absolute blast working on it. This is probably the most inexplicable easter egg out there as it lacks any form of cohesion, meaning, and purpose. It is just random creepy things thrown together in a room, and it is brilliant.

Hidden away in behind a wall, the ghost room is eerie. There are old-timey pictures of babies and children on the wall, a crib (in which sits a fully grown man shaking his head), a toy tank moving of its own accord, a giant rat hidden in a cage beneath the stairs, and, most importantly of all, a toilet.

There is probably some hidden intent behind the room, with some deep allegorical undertones that the developers worked weeks to realise. But none of that is translated to the player. And it is far more fitting that it remains a mysterious collection of creepy items, rather than being turned into a deep philosphical statement.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.