10 Criminally Overlooked Single Player Campaigns
4. Immortals: Fenyx Rising
Whenever a seminal video game releases with a whole new approach to gameplay, it's easy to assume you're going to get a few clones. Well, if Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the original, this game is its Mini-Me. But Immortals' rich campaign full of action, creativity, humour and mythology is way more knockout than knockoff.
Immortals: Fenyx Rising is an action-adventure game set in ancient Greece, told through the lens of a conversation between Zeus and Prometheus. The latter describes the tale of Fenyx, a mortal who must battle the monster Typhon to save their home. To do this, your custom hero ventures across the land, searching for the legendary Gods of Olympus.
One thing the game certainly deserves credit for is its sheer creativity and humour. It approaches its structure like Breath of the Wild, letting you venture into whatever region you want with multiple recognisable deities to meet and save. Each provide their own hilarious story, such as Ares, the God of War, being turned into a rooster, or Athena being transformed into a child. These segments come together to form a grand adventure you'll sink hours into, with a visually bombastic open world and with plenty of satisfying physics puzzles alongside.
While the game did well enough, it flew under most peoples' radars.