10 Most Criminally Underrated Games Of The Last Generation

8. Bayonetta

If you€™re looking for the evolution of fast paced third person hack and slash games then this is it: forget Devil May Cry 4, forget DMC, forget Ninja Gaiden 3 (you probably already have) €“ this is the game that you want. You play as a witch named Bayonetta, who is a descendant of the ancient Umbra clan but has managed to lose her memory after years of solvent abuse (maybe), and throughout the game you strive to uncover the mysteries of her past, and kick a lot of angel tail along the way. The story doesn€™t really make a lot of sense and there may be too many anime clichés here for some to stomach, but gameplay wise, Bayonetta is the absolute pinnacle of the action genre. The controls have been absolutely nailed in this game, with each attack and combo feeling almost effortlessly responsive and fluid, allowing you to pull off screen filling mayhem with the upmost ease and on screen elegance. Platinum Games seem to have a knack for precision when it comes to action games, and while easy to pick up, this game is hard as nails to master, so good luck completing it on its hardest difficulty. From the incredibly memorable, screen filling boss battles to one of the least offensive use of QTE€™s in gaming, Bayonetta is a near flawless example of how to out DMC, DMC. Action game fans do yourself a favour and buy this sadly under performing classic immediately.

Having written for Official Playstation Mag, Godisageek and obviously What Culture. Tom is a London based writer who loves him some games. You may also find his articles lurking in the film and comic sections on rare occasions.