10 Most Criminally Underrated Games Of The Last Generation

7. Bulletstorm

It€™s not often that games manage to be genuinely funny €“ especially intentionally - but Bulletstorm is one of those delightful rarities. After years of po-faced military shooters, Bulletstorm injects the genre with a much needed dose of over the top humour, and luckily for us the quality of the gameplay actually matches the humour here, which doesn€™t often happen in gaming (Deadpool, anyone?) Being a shooter, the gunplay is obviously pretty key, and as you would expect the guns feel great; heavy and satisfying in a Killzone-esque way. But they€™re not the only tool at the player€™s disposal: you are also armed with a laser whip, and slinging enemies all over the place will never fail to put a grin on your face. Bulletstorm has a unique score based kill system, which encourages you to slaughter enemies in completely over the top ways; using the whip, you can fling enemies into lasers, spikes, off ledges and against walls, transforming the environment around you into one big playground that€™s there to boost your score. Rather than the cliché marine core pep talks of other shooters, Bulletstorm has your squad constantly insulting each other in hilarious ways; when attacked by a huge ugly brute your character yells to your female squad mate €˜Hey Trishka, one of your old boyfriends is at the door€™. The whole game is big, loud and refreshingly silly, and you can operate a remote control, laser shooting, giant Dinosaur. If that doesn€™t sell Bulletstorm to you then nothing will.

Having written for Official Playstation Mag, Godisageek and obviously What Culture. Tom is a London based writer who loves him some games. You may also find his articles lurking in the film and comic sections on rare occasions.