10 Most Criminally Underrated Games Of The Last Generation

6. Tales Of Vesperia

After the JRPG glory days of the PS1 and PS2 , the PSWii60 era has been as disappointing for JRPG fans as Indiana Jones IV was to the movie going public. Luckily for us, Microsoft decided to splash their cash on some JRPG exclusives in a (failed) bid to drive 360 sales in Japan €“ and Vesperia was one of them. Featuring probably the least offensively generic characters of any JRPG, Vesperia offers a great cast of likeable characters and a pretty entertaining story. Harking back to the PS1 glory days and the gamecube classic Tales Of Symphonia, Vesperia continued the tradition of bringing back gripping real time combat to a JRPG, and the battle system is a joy to use throughout. After the crushing disappointment that was FF XIII, Vesperia and Lost Odyssey were the genre's Knights in shining armour, and Vesperia was one of the few last gen games to rival the PS2€™s spectacular JRPG output. Its cell shaded visuals are some of the best of the last generation, and the game is still a feast for the eyes on the ageing 360. If you€™re yearning to step into the boots of some Japanese teenagers and slay hoards of monsters for sixty hours, you can€™t do much better than Tales Of Vesperia.

Having written for Official Playstation Mag, Godisageek and obviously What Culture. Tom is a London based writer who loves him some games. You may also find his articles lurking in the film and comic sections on rare occasions.