10 Criminally Underrated PS4 & Xbox One Games You Must Play

6. BPM: Bullets Per Minute

Hand of fate
Awe Interactive

While BPM might have only just come out, it's shocking to think that it might be left behind already, what with the announcement that the title would only be coming to PS4 and Xbox One at a later date after it's initial PC release.

However, this just makes it even more essential that you play this title, as quite frankly it's amazing someone hasn't done this sooner.

Taking one part DOOM, one part Crypt Of The Necrodancer, and all of the trappings of a Roguelike, BPM is a first-person shooter in which you can only dodge, fire your gun and reload on the beat of the music. This creates a stunningly tense experience in which you enter rooms full of deadly enemies and must balance avoiding their incoming attacks all the while moving like you're in a music video.

It's brilliantly addictive and comes with a stonkingly good soundtrack which is pretty much essential when you consider the core focus, and you'll find yourself entering a zen-like state in which you flow between shots and dodges like the music was reacting to you and not the other way around.

Plus Huggins the friendly bird who sells you health is the cutest thing ever.

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Hand of Fate
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