10 Criminally Underrated PS4 & Xbox One Games You Must Play

5. Pyre

Hand of fate
SuperGiant Games

Whenever you try to describe Pyre to a friend or other interested party, you may end up sounding like a complete mad man, for uttering the words "It's like a deep and complicated RPG filled with character building and rich lore...but is also a sports game" never gets any less strange to say.

However, that is exactly what Pyre is, a one of a kind experience in which you build up a team of Exiles, manage their skills, explore a beautifully realized world, and eventually, once you've won enough matches (or Rites as they're known in the game) you're faced with some truly tough decisions.

For you see each victory actually brings you closer to having to say goodbye to some of your team, and once they level up enough they will ascend into a realm beyond, meaning you need to balance your pursuit of victory while also balancing your team enough so that when your star player departs, you're not left in the lurch.

It also helps that the actual match gameplay is utterly brilliant. If you ever wanted a sports game to make you cry, then Pyre is for you.

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Hand of Fate
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