10 Crippling Issues That Could Kill Pokémon GO

5. The Random Curveball (Razz Berry) Bug

pokemon go Curveball

Curveballs do actually serve a purpose other than looking flashy - you gain higher XP from catching a Pokémon with one - but you might occasionally find yourself tossing them randomly, especially if you've used a Razz Berry first.

The latter are specifically for 'calming down' more high-level Pokémon and ensuring they won't flee immediately, but the game has a bug where if you've drop some Razz Berries, flinging a standard Pokéball after will result in it curving without your command.

Many players online have started theorising that it could actually be down to playing the game in windy conditions, and that PoGo would use the phone's microphone or weather reports through Google to simulate a Pokéball flying away unintentionally.

I personally don't believe the latter whatsoever, but if this somehow is the case, Niantic should at least explain the factors that could hinder a good throw in an expanded tutorial.

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