10 Critically Acclaimed Video Games That Players Hated

5. Dragon Age II

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Metacritic Score: 82

User Score: 4.5

After releasing the double whammy of Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins, Bioware cemented themselves as one of the most beloved developers on the planet. Creating one masterpiece after the next, despite being acquired by EA fans were confident that the studio could continue to ride out their creative peak regardless of who their owners were.

Then Dragon Age II happened.

A clear victim of a rushed schedule, instead of sticking to the grandiose scale of the original game, the sequel swapped an ambitious story and a large game world for something far more character driven and restricted. Taking place over the same few city courtyards and repeated dungeons, the RPG lacked the variety and imagination that made the first release such a smash hit, only being notable for being yet another drop in the fantasy game bucket.

While the title wasn't enough to completely tank players' confidence in Bioware, it was enough to make them cautious, and set a disastrous precedent for their sequels going forward.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3