10 Critically Acclaimed Video Games That Players Hated

4. Evolve

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Metacritic Score: 76

User Score: 4.3

Before it released, 2K was hyping up Evolve to be the next big multiplayer phenomenon. Back when developers thought they could get away with releasing barebones online shooters, the whole industry had no reservations about the title setting a dangerous precedent for all games that would follow it.

As soon as Evolve released though, pretty much every player who picked up the shooter ripped it to shreds. Accused of selling a promise rather than an out-the-box experience, the focus on microtransactions, pre-order bonuses and season passes showed the title's true colours long before players got their hands on it themselves, with those fears being confirmed on launch day.

Not only was the multiplayer title lacking in content, but the actual core gameplay itself wasn't strong enough to court any sort of playerbase. Spending 10 minutes trying to find a player hiding as the monster just wasn't fun, and dumb teammates often meant that even when the action started, you'd pray for it to be over as soon as possible.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3