10 Critically Reviled Video Game Movies (That Really Aren't THAT Bad)

8. Warcraft

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001 Angelina Jolie
Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes Tomatomater Score: 28%

Critics Consensus: "Warcraft has visual thrills to spare, but they -- and director Duncan Jones' distinctive gifts -- are wasted on a sluggish and derivative adaptation of a bestselling game with little evident cinematic value."

While Warcraft did attempt to match its video game equivalent on the visual side of things, most of the criticism was directed towards its thinly-developed characters and, in all honesty, this writer isn't sure he can disagree with that - so he's not even going to attempt to.

That said, let's focus on what was great about Warcraft - and what ultimately carried to become the highest-grossing video game film of all time.

The truth is that it isn't unheard of for films of this nature to suffer from weak characters - in fact, it's a recurring theme in big-budget blockbusters, simply because the narrative and the effects are supposed to do the talking instead. And as far as that goes, it's hard to fault this one.

It'll never be as good as the video games, but the fact is that the central narrative revolving around the orcs' attempts to survive the destruction of their home world is actually a really compelling one, and that ultimately gives us a protagonist to root for - something that makes up for the weaker human characters.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.