10 Critically Reviled Video Game Movies (That Really Aren't THAT Bad)

7. Doom

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001 Angelina Jolie
Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer Score: 19%

Critics Consensus: "The FPS sections are sure to please fans of the video game, but lacking in plot and originality to please other moviegoers."

Being the first-person shooter game series that it is, Doom was always a concept that was going to struggle in a wider production involving other characters, but the thing that got to most people was how the story was rewritten to make it more, well, alien - instead of allowing it to be the apocalyptic and hellish horror it should have been.

So yes, the critics are right in a sense because that robbed the film of the game's originality and essentially presented it just like any other bland sci-fi movie - hardly surprising that it bombed then, right? That being said, there's a highly watchable quality about Doom that separates it from the typical 'bad video game move'.

The characters are thinly-written, yes, but the plot is at least a little engaging - and it ultimately paves the way for some highly enjoyable shootout sequences, including some neat little first-person shooter scenes that will undoubtedly make the video game fans smile. And it's worth it alone just to see a pre-Dwayne Johnson Rock forge the beginning of his action hero persona.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.