10 Cruel Difficulty Modes You Can't Handle

7. AKUMU - The Evil Within/The Evil Within 2

The Evil Within Ruvik
Bethesda Softworks

The Evil Within games are home to taut survival horror action. From limited ammunition, tough enemies, and even tougher boss fights, gruff protagonist Sebastian Castellanos has a rough time regardless of which difficulty these games are played on.

For players who want an even harder challenge, they can opt to play either game on the notorious AKUMU mode after beating them once on any other difficulty.

The Japanese word for "nightmare", this setting is the ultimate in masochistic punishment. Alongside enemies being far stronger than in regular difficulties and uncommon enemies appearing earlier in the game, resources are likewise much scarcer than before. Downed enemies even drop less of the vital Green Gel that's required for upgrades.

The most unforgiving aspect about AKUMU, though, is that Sebastian will die in just one hit. With even the smallest bit of damage sending players back to the last checkpoint, playing on this ultra-hard difficulty requires complete focus and a near flawless execution to make it all the way to the end credits.

With hordes of extremely aggressive enemies and sneakily placed traps everywhere, avoiding damage in these games is an almost impossible task for only the boldest of players.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.