10 Cruel Difficulty Modes You Can't Handle

6. Rhythm Master - Hi-Fi Rush

The Evil Within Ruvik
Bethesda Softworks

Despite its cast of colourful characters and hilarious writing, rhythm-action game Hi-Fi Rush can be incredibly challenging if players want it to be.

Whereas the lower difficulties strike an enjoyable balance between challenge and fun by being more lenient when it comes to staying in time with the game's infectious beat, the harder difficulties are stricter with timing in addition to making enemies tougher.

The greatest challenge is found within the Rhythm Master difficulty, which is only unlocked after beating the game.

While enemies hit the hardest in this mode as well as having bigger health and stun bars, the most taxing part of Rhythm Master is that it demands that players keep in perfect time with the beat. If the rhythm meter drops below Rank C, it's an instant game over.

Players need to be living metronomes if they aim to beat every stage. There's no margin for error in fights. Players need to time every attack, dodge, and parry perfectly to keep the meter from falling to a D. Even in the brief moments between enemy waves, players will need to stop the gauge from dropping too much.

As this mode's name suggests, complete mastery of the game is needed to succeed here.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.