10 Cruel Tricks Video Games Played On RPG Players

1. The Baffling Lack Of Autosave - Persona 5

Final Fantasy VII Aerith Dead

Persona 5 is a fantastic RPG in a lot of ways, yet the fact that a game released as recently as 2016 doesn't have a damn autosave option is, frankly, an utter disgrace.

For reasons that will remain forever baffling, developers P-Studio offer no autosave option in the game, despite the fact that save points are often quite scarce, especially while battling through tricky dungeons.

Due to this, it's not uncommon for players to end up losing hours of progress upon dying, which adds another intimidating barrier to entry for players who might already be turned off by the game's epic 100-hour play-time.

Given that beating Persona 5 is a colossal time sink in of itself, eating up even more of players' time with the unforgiving lack of autosave functionality feels like the developer quite literally chastising the player - especially those with limited gaming time - in the most pointlessly sadistic manner possible.

Is it much to ask for the game to autosave at certain points? Apparently so...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.