10 Cruel Tricks Video Games Played On RPG Players
2. Killing Aerith After You've Spent Hours Levelling Her - Final Fantasy VII

There's surely no single RPG character death more iconic than that of Aerith in Final Fantasy VII. Beyond the emotional devastation of seeing the beloved character suddenly cut down by Sephiroth, it's especially gutting given that players have likely spent many hours levelling Aerith up by this point.
But with there being no way to revive her following her story death, she's indeed out of your party for good, and all that time invested in building her up has now gone up in smoke.
Granted, it would be disingenuous to say that training Aerith was just purely wasted time - her healing-based Limit Breaks are extremely useful during tricky boss battles prior to her demise.
But let's be honest, would we have invested quite so much time and energy in her if we knew she was going to snuff it at the end of the game's first disc?
It'll certainly be interesting to see how Square Enix's ongoing remake project tackles this, with many fans suspecting they may be given an opportunity to prevent Aerith's death and keep her in the party until game's end. We'll see.