10 Cruel Tricks Video Games Played On RPG Players
5. Wait Too Long To Do The Suicide Mission & The Crew Dies - Mass Effect 2

The Mass Effect games offer up such a rich, vast world that you can't really be blamed for wanting to explore it at your own deliberate pace. Yet the second game actively punishes players who dawdle along the main quest line.
Beating the late-game mission "Reaper IFF" will trigger an endgame countdown of-sorts: the Normandy's crew will be subsequently attacked and abducted by the alien race known as the Collectors.
And while you might be compelled to immediately travel through the Omega-4 relay and start the climactic suicide mission, this being a video game and all, you might also decide to complete a few extra missions first.
Though you may understandably assume that this would have no tangible impact on the game's outcome, it actually has catastrophic implications: the more missions you partake in while the crew are kidnapped, the more of them will die.
Complete four or more missions after the kidnapping and when you finally show up to rescue them, you'll find that all of the crew have died save for Dr. Karin Chakwas, who isn't shy about expressing her disappointment in your lack of urgency.