10 Cruelly Overlooked 2013 Games You Probably Missed

7. Deadpool

Deadpool1 This selection may not necessarily be overlooked, but it€™s a game I definitely felt the mainstream media took an unfair approach to in criticism. Admittedly Deadpool did not revolutionize hack and slash combat or tell a grand story, but it made up for those shortcomings by having a myriad of brilliant sequences meant to make you laugh out loud as you play. High Moon Studios displayed a great deal of understanding of what makes the self-proclaimed merc with a mouth so psychopathically hilarious and entertaining, and they managed what the majority of superhero games fail - an authentic portrayal of the character. It no doubt helps that the game wasn't lumbered with a tie-in label, which can be horrifically reductive for superhero games in particular (only one works from almost the entire history of the "genre") but there aren't many superhero games that manage what should be classes as the primary agenda. Nolan North also does a fine job getting across that insanity with an awesome performance. You also cannot pass up a game that gives you a trophy/ achievement for physically slapping Wolverine himself. These are the moments that make Deadpool such a criminally underrated game.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.