10 Cruelly Overlooked 2013 Games You Probably Missed

5. The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable Naturally €“ as with every single entertainment medium- video games have developed their own level/ programming tropes and clichés. This game attempts to deconstruct almost every trope you can possibly think of, with unprecedented amounts of sharply written humor. You play as Stanley, a man with your typical and basic mundane office desk job. For whatever reason, his computer goes black causing him to get up and exit his office, looking around. The entire building is empty but full of numerous doors and winding hallways, as you€™re narrated where to go by a British voice. This is where the fun begins, as you can go way off course and find yourself in strange scenarios that pay homage to Mass Effect, Minecraft, and more. The game has only one goal; to mess with the player€™s mind in the zaniest ways possible, and it's such a profoundly unprecedented experience that it deserves revisiting over and over. There just isn't this sort of innovation, or commitment to the joys of self-consciously - even provocatively - odd story-telling in more mainstream games, which is perhaps why this one didn't receive the attention it truly deserved.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.