10 Cruelly Overlooked 2013 Games You Probably Missed

3. Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons

Brothers3 Brothers is easily one of the most creative games ever made among simply the most overlooked of 2013. It€™s essentially a solo co-op game - slightly confusing, obviously, but the game allows you to control both brothers by simultaneously utilizing both thumb sticks on the controller. Your goal is to navigate perilous mountains and snowy areas on an epic journey to reach the Tree Of Life. Starbreeze never lets up on making every moment pave the way for something ingenious whether it€™s a dual platforming segment, a cooperative puzzle, or even a boss fight requiring teamwork. This brilliant game design also directly compliments symbolic elements of the story, making a statement that the only medium it can work within is a video game. Unless you€™re some sort of gaming deity for example, you will begin playing the game sloppily trying to traverse one brother at a time, but as the journey goes on and you acquaint yourself with the unorthodox control scheme your skill slowly transcends into something resembling a well-oiled machine. It€™s symbolic of the bonding between the brothers. That€™s just one example of many peppered throughout a fantastic experience that will also leave you ready to grab some tissues by the ending. A Tale of Two Sons is majestic on all fronts.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.