10 Cult Classic Video Games That Deserve A Remake

8. The Simpsons: Hit & Run

the simpsons hit and run

Is there a more requested remake in the world of gaming than The Simpsons: Hit & Run? It was one of those games that everyone who grew up in the early noughties with a PS2 owned, and the nostalgia it still triggers with gamers has given it a serious legacy.

The game has continued to be a popular streaming and speedrunning title, and fans have already drawn together various mods, modes and remakes ranging from updated cutscenes to an inter-connected world map.

What made Hit & Run the perfect video game tie-in was how the developers learned their lessons from their previous instalment, Road Rage, took the best open-world and role-playing elements from titles like Grand Theft Auto III and worked with the actual Simpsons writers and cast to perfect a world that truly felt like one with the show.

Unfortunately, it is that final point that has made a sequel or remake so hard to get off the ground. Disney owns the intellectual property for the Simpsons, Radical Entertainment (now a part of Activision) developed the initial game, whilst EA own the rights to the Hit & Run IP.

Sadly, these copyright issues have been what has held a remake back so far and they look set to continue making a remastering unlikely, however much we might all want one.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.