10 Cut Fallout Enemies Designed To Give You Nightmares

6. People Cage Mutant - Fallout 3

Swan Concept Art

Super Mutants are a core part of Fallout's world. Aside from a few variations depending on what part of the former United States you're in, they are more or less the same : massive humanoids of (usually) limited intelligence, able to carry weapons and wear armour. They not only tend to be found in packs, but they easily rank up with the player, come in several different tiers, and are often accompanied by Centaurs or Floaters.

While Super Mutants have an elaborate backstory, there are also practical things to consider. For example, when they are wandering the Wasteland or Commonwealth, how do these massive brutes eat if they don't cross paths with any humans?

Fallout 3 would have given us an answer, and it is horrifying. There was supposed to be a version of the largest variant, the Behemoth, big enough to use a car door as a shield, and one of the most difficult battles you can have in any Fallout.

The Behemoth carries a grocery cart on its back, like a backpack, full of the things you can collect when it dies. The cut Behemoth, however, would have been carrying live humans in its cart, providing ready-to-eat snacks on the go. The concept art clearly indicates the backpack is supposed to be a 'food larder', leaving no doubt as to what those screaming humans would have been destined for.


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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.