10 Cut Fallout Enemies Designed To Give You Nightmares

7. Abomination Variants - Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta DLC

Swan Concept Art

The Mothership Zeta DLC took us into space, providing a new questline that had the Lone Wanderer journey through a massive Zetan mothership, collecting a ton of new space-based firearms, clothing, ammo, and first aid items. Your character is not the first human abducted by the Zetans; one of your quests involves thawing out previously cryo-frozen humans from all eras of Earth's history.

The frozen ones were lucky, as it turns out.

The Zetans also experimented with humans they captured by infusing them with Zetan DNA, creating humanoid creatures with alien features, and virtually no trace of their previous humanity, called Abominations. While these were haunting enough, there were also four other variants created that were cut from the game.

These versions were infused not only with Zetan DNA, but what appears to DNA of alien creatures, and possibly even Earth creatures. These versions are truly awful: tentacles with eyeballs, lobster claws, quills like a porcupine, three heads and four arms, multiple mouths oozing liquid, spider legs...

Although Fallout never has never shied away from body horror, those poor bastards push the limits of what players would want to see in a game. Sometimes, when you kill the Abominations that made it into the game, they will whisper 'Thank you' for putting them out of their misery.

The variants must have just been begging to catch a bullet between the eyes.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.