10 Cut Video Game Levels You Won’t Believe Exist

8. Hattrick Manor - Bully

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As much as the version of Bully we got is still an undeniably brilliant game, the amount of cut content for it makes it clear that the original plans for it were far, far grander.

This is clear by the fact that Hattrick Manor - the home of the school's maths teacher - was initially explorable, likely for either a side quest or otherwise to just allow you to terrorise him, which anyone feeling truly in the role of Jimmy Hopkins would likely jump at the chance to take.

Given there are a fair few missions revolving around either doing teacher's whims or carrying out pranks against them, it's unclear whether this would have featured in the main storyline, or rather as an extra side mission for those who were especially angry about being taught algebra.

Interestingly, you can still access the house in game with only a touch of weird shenanigans. Players are able to travel to the outside of the house (which still exists in-game), and then ramp off some stairs in order to clip into the house. While you're obviously not supposed to, getting in requires a method that's so in-fitting with the rest of the game that it somehow makes perfect sense that you can still get in.


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