10 Cut Video Game Levels You Won’t Believe Exist

7. The City Of Sutch (And Much More) - Oblivion

giant spider cut boss thumbnail

Nobody is going to say for a single minute that Oblivion didn't contain enough content. Fully completing it takes a hundred and eighty-two hours.

Those who have even attempted to try and "finish" the game have found that it is like trying to drink a river - time consuming, vaguely confusing, and likely to cause an existential crisis before you are even a hundredth done.

But there could have been even more, as it turns out. Most interestingly, one entire city was cut from the game - the City of Sutch.

This is especially weird because Sutch was almost totally finished visually - it just needed quests to make it worth going to. Since it's practically complete, it's naturally been made into a mod by various kind souls, so if you're curious you can still roam its beautiful streets.

Fort Sutch still exists in Oblivion though - as a testament to the place that never got to be.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.