10 Cut Video Game Levels You Won’t Believe Exist

3. The Emerald Dream - World Of Warcraft

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The Emerald Dream has been a mystery since before the game even came out, with word on the development of the game stating that it may be added as an end-game area or extra bonus content.

While some quests require you to enter the Emerald Green, you never properly see it, as the actual area is never opened up for you to explore - rather letting you have a tiny taste as a way to spice up some quests a little by reminding you that, at least in lore, this place is a fully defined thing.

However, players have found the original designs for the Emerald Dream map, which apparently is the size of Lordaeron - which, for anyone who doesn't know what that is, basically means it's huge, given Loardaeron is one of the in-game continents. You can even visit it, so long as you're willing to get a private server to teleport to it.

Strangely, the Emerald Dream might not be cut forever. After all, with the amount of effort that's been put into visualising this area, it seems impossible that some eventual future update won't contain the area - even if it's only a fraction of the one we've glimpsed.


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