10 Cut Video Game Levels You Won’t Believe Exist

2. The Part Where You Kill Cave Johnson - Portal 2

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Cut lines from Portal have long been a subject of fan intrigue - ever since the dialogue was found that covered Aperture Science's best personal assistant Caroline being put into the device that would make her a part of GlaDOS, only to be massively misinterpreted at the time.

Far more interesting, though, is a few little lines of dialogue that some brave adventurers found while looking through the game's files. Against all odds, this cut speech suggests that you find Cave Johnson in Portal 2 - or rather, what remains of him.

As the script tells you, the CEO had his consciousness placed inside a Companion Cube, leaving his "entire living consciousness, for all eternity, inside a machine". Quite fairly, he also states that this has made his life "a torture", before begging you to then kill him.

The script then appears to detail you murdering this former-meatbag by unplugging him from the computer that has sustained him. It's... really, really sad, as much as Johnson sounds his usual level of excited about seeing the great beyond.

It's profoundly interesting to learn all this, but it's also not entirely a bad thing that this one area was removed from the final version of the game.


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