10 D*ck Move Video Game Achievements Made By Developers

7. The Simpsons Game

Red Dead Redemption Achievement

As American animated sitcoms go, you cannot get more inherently endearing than The Simpsons. Satirical to the very core and with a high tendency to mock/reflect real-life, the concept of a sh*thousery achievement in a game involving the famous cartoon family is not too far-fetched or surprising.

As gamers, we all love a gimme. A freebie to set us on the right path, Complete the first mission on any difficulty, get a 5 headshots in a row, pick up your first collectable and so forth. These are usually achievements that come after having an initial play around with the game, to decide if you are truly going to commit to completing the game.

There is no shame in putting down a game and deleting it from your history if you do not like it, providing of course you haven't unlocked an achievement already!

This is where The Simpsons Game gets you. All you have to do to lock this game onto your gamercard, forever, is start the game. That's it. PRESS START.

The gift of hindsight is great and looking back The Simpsons Game was terrific fun, not Hit & Run levels of fun, but respectable nevertheless. But, imagine only having the first achievement for this game, sitting at a measly 5G, in the midst of all your other 750G+ games, all because you wanted to test the game out before committing.

The only fix for this, would be to play the game, regardless of whether you like it or not... D*ck move, EA.

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Born into high expectations and ultimately subverting them. Refuses to admit Pop Punk is dead and is known to play a video game from time to time.