10 Dark Souls Characters That Were In Multiple Video Games
1. Solaire Of Astora
Praise the Sun. Solaire of Astora was first encountered in the original Dark Souls and aside from his fascination with the source of the world's light, he taught the player the concept of "jolly cooperation", where you could enter the world of another in order to help them.
He is first met in Undead Burg, staring at the source of his love, and greets the player with friendly conversation while giving you the White Soapstone that allows online help to be summoned and offered.
True to his word, he assists the player in the Bell Gargoyle fight and for the Gaping Demon if required. Should you manage to prevent him becoming hollow, he will also fight at your side in the final battle of the game as you face off with Gwyn.
While he may not reappear in the third game, his armour set can be obtained by trading with the Crow in Firelink Shrine. Although he may not make a physical appearance, the Warriors of Sunlight covenant that he represents appears in the two subsequent games (Heirs of the Sun in DS2) and his spirit lives through the series, not only through his gear, but with every Sunbro that assists another.