10 Dark Souls Habits You Must UNLEARN To Beat Sekiro
1. Neglecting The Details
We talked about the shinobi's arsenal, right? Information is just another one of those tools at your disposal.
Souls games give you a vague idea of where you're supposed to be going and why, but let's be real: you don't have much else to work with. If you're curious, the item descriptions tell you more about the series' lore, and small visual details in the scene settings and character models help you put things together piece by piece.
That said, very few of these things give you any clue about how to be a better player. You can get through whole series without paying any attention to the minute details.
Aside from having a less obfuscating plot, Sekiro has hints scattered throughout the world. Make use of your eavesdropping skills to learn useful intel for your journey forward, like how to weaken an armoured enemy, how to spot a Nightjar from a distance or what makes a boss tick.