10 Darkest Stranger Missions In Red Dead Redemption 2

8. The Nobelist Of Men, And A Woman

Red Dead Redemption 2 Electric Chair

In a saloon in the small town of Valentine, players can come across one of the first Stranger Missions in the game by talking to one Theodore Levin, a writer interviewing famed gunslinger Jim "Boy" Calloway about his glory days.

However, Calloway is too drunk to be of any use. Consequently, Arthur is sent on a quest to track down four other famed gunslingers to find out more about the true history of Mr Calloway.

Talking to Calloway’s former companions, it transpires that Calloway's reputation as a fearsome cowboy is a complete fabrication.

Unwilling to accept the truth, Calloway has you bring him one of his former rivals so that he can best them in a duel to prove he's still the legend he claims to be. But when the man refuses, Calloway shoots him in the back before challenging and losing to Arthur in a duel.

Rather than writing about what really happened, Levin chooses to lie so he can have a more exciting story.

In a game that romanticises western genre tropes, it just wouldn't be a Rockstar game without turning the image of a gunslinger into a cynical metaphor for celebrity culture and fame.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.