10 Deadliest Enemies In Fallout History

1. Gojira - Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout deathclaw
Obsidian Entertainment

So as I mentioned in a prior entry, Deathclaws aren't anything to sniff at. In fact so powerful are these leathery lizards that even their shadow might cause you to wet your Vault suit, however, there's another lizard in the fallout series that casts a shadow so large that it might appear that the Sun itself has become eclipsed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present Gojira.

Now don't feel to bad if you haven't come across this towering titan of terror, because technically the only way you can face him in Fallout: New Vegas is through digging through the cut content files of the game. In fact, unless you want to die a very quick and painful death I'd advise against ever doing this, as Gojira rocks a mighty 8,000 points of health and can do enough damage to easily one-shot most high-level players (doing around 3,200 points of fire damage with it's breath attack per second!).

This beast is clearly a riff on the almighty Kaiju of the ages Godzilla and seems to be Obsidian's jokey way of punishing the player for killing all those fire geckos at the beginning of the game. Thankfully for us, the devs must have realized how utterly demoralizing it would be to die to this beast over and over and cut it from the final game.

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