10 Deadliest Enemies In Fallout History

2. Albino Radscorpions - Fallout 3

Fallout deathclaw

While the disgusting models of the Bloatfly and the Centaur in Fallout 3 may cause your stomach to lurch, there's an enemy out in the Wasteland that is somehow even more sickening, at least when it comes to how much it can completely obliterate your health.

The Albino Radscorpion is an enemy that is purpose built to ruin your day, possessing a whopping health pool of between 1,500-2,000 hit points and is able to do twice as much damage as a Super Mutant Behemoth, you know those massive creatures that will turn you into a tent peg with one hit?

Hitting with both its claws and stinger for 100 damage apiece, this will rinse your health quickly, as will the poison damage the stinger deals which lest we not forget bypasses armour completely.

Oh and despite the fact that albino people usually try and limit sun exposure wherever possible, the Albino Radscorpion has a built-in healing factor that kicks in when exposed to sunlight, meaning that as you're desperately trying to dodge its ferocious attacks your spirit is also taking a kicking as you watch it's health bar fill back up again!

AND THEY ALSO SPAWN IN PAIRS. Jesus, give me a break!

So my advice when you see this beast? Run. Run and pray you're fast enough.

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