10 Deadliest Enemies In Fallout History

7. Wanamingo - Fallout 2

Fallout deathclaw
Black Isle Studios

The Wanamingo is a truly strange beast indeed, and when you consider the cavalcade of creepy critters in the Fallout universe that is a rather large boast. It's one that's earned through just by looking at their composition as it truly is hard to make out what the hell this thing even is.

Weidling long tentacle-like arms, a long smooth head, and rows of razor-sharp teeth, the Wanamingos are often referred to as "aliens" by the locals and it's easy to see why.

It may also be why the creature is named Wanamingo as this is a settlement in Minessota whose name origin is not found in any history book. Nobody could explain where the name came from and likely nobody could explain what the Wanamingo in Fallout was originally mutated from.

To be honest you'll not likely be thinking about any of these quaint naming conventions for long when fighting these beasts in Fallout 2 because they can easily overwhelm the player with numbers and melee damage output.

The fact they pop up so early in the game presents something of a roadblock to new players, killing them over and over should the rather random combat in the game not go their way.

Which it will. Many, many times.

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