10 Deadliest Enemies In Fallout History

6. Wendigo Colossus - Fallout 76

Fallout deathclaw

When you consider the irradiated dump that was Fallout 76's launch is it any wonder that strange and mutated horrors have been cropping up in servers over the past few years?

And no I'm not talking about the oddballs that chose to pay for Fallout 1st.

I'm speaking of The Mothmen, The Scorchbeast Queens, and thanks to the Wastelanders update, The Wendigo Colossus. This absolute horror possesses three heads each more ugly than the last and each spitting out some rather disgusting damage in the form of corrosive and poison goop as well as an effect that can make you panic and run away!

Hope you weren't that attached to your armor as this is going to chew right through it!

Plus the poisonous sludge pools in the area you're fighting meaning you can accidentally cause further damage to yourself as you try to dodge through it. And you'll need to be quick on your toes as this boss is relentless, swiping and spitting at you constantly.

If that wasn't bad enough, the Wendigo Colossus also spawns in with some regular Wendigo backup, meaning that you'll likely be overwhelmed as soon as the fight begins.

If you're with a party of pals then this can even the odds, but if not, well be prepared to watch your Vault Dweller run and cower before having their can opened by these ugly bastards over and over.

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