10 Deceptive Video Game Loot You Instantly Regretted Picking Up

1. The Bane - Borderlands 2

Baldur's gate 3 Djin
Gearbox Software

Weird weapons are a specialty of the Borderlands series, but while this usually means the fun kind of "weird," with goo-spraying rocket launchers and alcohol-dispensing pistols, this one SMG from Borderlands 2 dispenses nothing but misery and rage.

The Bane is a unique weapon obtained in a mission of the same name. During the quest, you learn of a powerful but cursed gun that leaves all who wield it dead. Following the trail of its previous owners' corpses, you will eventually find the gun next to a grave and then immediately realize why all of its owners have suffered a bullet to the head.

Was it some looming doom that brought danger to them? Did it shoot magic bullets that went flying towards them instead of their targets?

No. It's just loud as hell.

The Bane's bane is the fact that every time you pull its trigger, it releases an ungodly scream that is guaranteed to make your ears bleed and push you to the brink of suicide, as it did with its previous owners.

The stats of the weapon might be decent, but if it means losing your sanity and hearing, you're better off without it.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.