10 Deceptive Video Game Loot You Instantly Regretted Picking Up

2. Djinni Lamp - Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's gate 3 Djin
Larian Studios

Baldur's Gate 3 features plenty of cursed items, but generally speaking, most of them tend to strengthen your character once you figure out a way to remove their curse.

There is one exception to the rule, however. An item whose sole purpose is to screw with you and laugh at your expense—the djinni lamp.

Throughout all three acts of the game, your party can come across many oil lamps that, upon interacting with them, will cause your character to snarkily remark about how amazing it would be to find a genie inside.

This is why, once you find an actual, legitimate magic lamp inside Lorroakan's vault (hiding behind a fake wall, no less), you can't help but think this might actually be your chance to get a wish!

Indeed, taking the lamp and interacting with it will cause an actual djinni to come out, but the following consequence of your loot will not go as expected.

The djinnji will immediately use his moment of freedom to switch places with you, trapping you inside the lamp forever!

Or until your other party members figure out what's happening and defeat the djinni, but, let's be honest, they're probably too busy flirting with each other.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.