10 Deceptive Video Game Loot You Instantly Regretted Picking Up

8. Tallbird Egg - Don't Starve

Baldur's gate 3 Djin
Klei Entertainment

The world of Don't Starve is brimming with dangerous secrets and deceptive traps that are waiting for an oblivious survivor to fall right into them.

One of these traps awaiting greedy players specifically is the Tallbird Egg, found inside giant nests that appear in rocky biomes.

The egg is large enough that in a game centered around surviving starvation, it makes for a pretty tempting bit of loot, especially if you find it unattended by whatever has hatched it.

Then again, maybe if you did take a look at its mother, you would have never tried stealing it in the first place.

You see, the Tallbird part of the egg's name is a giant one-eyed monster that is so protective of her young that it will never stop chasing you once you take it off her.

This pecking abomination is relentless, and with the amount of damage, stamina, and general urge to kill you for threatening her kids, messing with a Tallbird and her eggs is a guaranteed death sentence.

At the very least, it can be very annoying.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.